On Thu, 26 Oct 2017, John Meissen wrote:

> Ah, OK. I, too have a business account, since I needed the fixed-IP for my
> mail/ web servers. I'm not running a business here, so I'm otherwise
> residential. But I made the mistake of bundling. That turned my phone into
> a "business" phone, and there are different do-not-call rules for
> businesses. I've been paying for it ever since with constant telemarketing
> calls to "update my google listing" and "apply for small business
> financing", etc.


   Ah, ha! I've had a business phone account with Verizon (now Frontier)
since 1993. Until Frontier bought Verizon's land line business I had a
static IP. Aracnet told me their routers were incompatible with Frontier's
for a staic IP (made no sense to me, but ...) so I had to have a dynamic IP
address and have Aracnet/SpiritOne relay outbound mail. Incoming messages
arrived directly to the local postfix smtp installation. The switch from DSL
to FiOS is a bundle of phone + 'Net.

   I had no idea that there are different do-not-call rules for businesses;
that explains why Google calls at least once a day (and from different phone
numbers/cities each time). I have an effective (for me) process for these
robo calls: I ignore them. If it's not a phone number/name that I recognize
on caller ID I let it roll over to voice mail. Legitimate callers, and the
occasionsl spammer, leave messages, the others do not.

> I finally got fed up and went through the process of un-bundling and
> transfering my phone back to residental service. At that time I had 25/25,
> and noticed that the slowest offering they had was 30/30, so I called and
> they upgraded my service to the higher speed without any hassle.

   The only issue I've had with my 3/.7 DSL speeds was when downloading a
large database dump or spatial data file. Then I'd do something else for the
duration. I don't download movies, TV shows, music. or other things so
moving up to 15/5 is quite sufficient for me.

> This is the first time I've seen the 15/5. They must have realized there was a
> demand for a (much) lower-cost offering.

   When I looked at their landing page I saw an image of a woman and child
looking at a tablet next to the offer of 15/5 for $40/month. I've no idea
when they started this lower speed.

> I've since dropped their phone service entirely and ported my number to
> Vonage. I get much better service/features, and my phone bill is only
> $17.50/mo.

   I've had the same business phone for 25 years with distinctive ringing
enabled. I've a splitter on the line so it serves the fax machine as well as
the voice phone. Still need fax now and then.

> I also notice that their current bundle promotion for 50/50 is less than I'm
> paying for Internet-only.... Maybe I should give them a call.

   Can't hurt.

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