Free Geek is not what it was.

They used to have all these programs to grant computers to low income
individuals and school kids and those were all shut down during COVID

Their programs to grant to non-profits are also closed.

The only thing they have left is the online ebay store and if you are a
non-profit that needs more than 10 computers you can contact them for a bulk
buy of used computers.  However, they mainly are dealing in Dell.

To understand what's going on with them you have to understand that at least
80% of their computers pushed out the door with Linux on them were
immediately reformatted with Windows.  The reason this worked well for them
is that the non-profit organizations that were doing this would then be
unable to go back to Free Geek and obtain any kind of technical support
other than hardware replacement.  So they people crowding into their support
programs for support were a small minority of recipients of computers they
sent out the door.

The problem today is win11's demands.  The only used computers nowadays that
can run it are coming from off-lease programs, such programs are heavily
used by Fortune 1000 and above, the majority of which are congregated on the
East Coast.

Nowadays I'm doing a LOT of buying of used win11-capable machines and ALL of
them are coming out of the East Coast.  On occasion I'll see win11 capable
machines on the used market by ones and twos but not available in large
lots.  FreeGeek cannot support my purchasing needs so they are clearly not
tapped into the off-lease market on the West Coast, what little of it there
is.  Also, Dell is mostly sold direct and most direct buys of computers are
to small businesses.  Large orgs tend to buy from dealers and HP, Lenovo and
so on are favored by those because they are sold through distribution while
Dell is not.

As a result most of what FG is flooded with are computers that are donated
yet have no commercial value at all.  My guess is they are not making a lot
of money off their sale programs, and won't for another 3-4 years.


-----Original Message-----
From: PLUG <> On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, January 1, 2024 11:48 AM
Subject: [PLUG] email issues


It seems I only post to this forum when I have an issue. I do read the
postings and if could contribute to the solutions I would. But I do
appreciate being able to ask questions of a group of experts.


In my younger days I used to attend meetings at Free Geek. Does it still
exist? I even saw names on the PLUG list that I remember.  Some of you may
even be older than I am. I remember a guy named Keith that solved a lot of
my problems.


Here is my issue. I have put in a lot of time trying to solve this, but have
made zip progress. I even posted on the Xfinity forum but have received no
replies (lots of views though)

My Comcast/Charter email is unreliable

When I talk with Comcast Support, they tell me it is Charter's problem. When
I talk with Charter Support, they tell me it is Comcast's problem. I've done
a number of tests (described below). I think (although I am far from
certain) that it is a Comcast issue.


Has anyone else experienced this problem? Can anyone suggest why I am
experiencing it?


Sorry for the length of this post. I've been doing tests for days. I've
summarized those tests that I think contribute to characterizing the



I have two ISPs, Comcast and Charter. I have Comcast in Portland and Charter
in Cannon Beach.   I have mail accounts with Comcast. I have mail accounts
with Charter.


Here is the problem.

When I send mail from my Charter account to my Comcast account, it does not
arrive. Comcast receives mail from all other sources. Comcast does not
receive mail from Charter.


Before Testing

I changed the passwords on all my Comcast accounts (they had that data
breach, you know). I changed the passwords on all my Charter accounts. I
cleared the cache and cookies from my browser and then I log onto the
servers. My issue is not dependent on my browser and OS. I see the same
problem with Edge on win10, Edge on win11, Firefox on Ubuntu, Safari on IOS.


Here is how I tested.

I send/receive mail directly on the Comcast and Charter websites.  I am not
using an email client (although when I do, I see the same issue). So there
is no 3rd party application involved. (Even when I tell Comcast and Charter
support I am not using an email client, they reply that they cannot help me
because they do not support 3rd party applications.) My primary charter
account is <primary charter account>.


Mail from charter to comcast does not arrive at comcast

Mail from comcast to charter does arrive at charter

Mail from charter to Gmail does arrive at Gmail

Mail from Gmail to charter does arrive at charter


Mail from charter to comcast does not arrive at comcast

I log into  <> as <primary charter

I send mail to <primary comcast account>. I do not get an error message.
Really no error message!

I see the mail I sent appear in the Sent folder on <>

I log onto  <> as <primary comcast

I do not see the mail I sent from <primary charter account>. It never


Mail from comcast to charter does arrive at charter

I log onto  <> as <primary comcast

I send mail to <primary charter account>.

I see the mail I sent appear in the Sent folder on <>

I log onto  <> as <primary charter

I see the mail I sent from <primary comcast account> arrive.


Mail from charter to Gmail does arrive at Gmail

As another test, I log onto as <Gmail account>. I send mail from
<primary charter account> while on   <> in another window. The mail arrives at <Gmail account>.


Mail from Gmail to charter does arrive at charter

As another test, I log onto as <Gmail account>. I send mail from
<Gmail account> to <primary charter account>. On  <> I see the mail from <Gmail account> arrive.



I am at a loss. The Comcast/Charter connection is unreliable enough to be
dangerous. If someone (a business, for example) has a Charter email address
and records my connection as a Comcast email address, I can lose valuable
information. I would never see that information.


It is possible that the problem only exists with my Comcast/Charter
accounts. I doubt that because there is nothing special about my
Comcast/Charter accounts. 


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