I've had similar experiences with Comcast dropping emails. My church uses a third party company to send bulk email announcements to all of its members. Comcast drops these on the floor with no error reply. I set up a gmail account to receive my church email that automatically forwards to my Comcast account. So my situation is:

<church email> -> Comcast = dropped with no error

<church email> -> gmail -> Comcast = Successfully received

I can only conclude that Comcast drops email from certain sources without telling us what it is doing.


On 1/2/2024 12:10 PM, markcasi...@comcast.net wrote:
Thanks for responding.

I have checked for spam on both sites (comcast and charter) and do not see
charter-to-comcast picked up as spam.
I do not see a facility on comcast or charter for white and black listing.

Comcast has something called a Safe List. But the site says "When Email Safe
List is enabled, only email sent from addresses on the Safe List will be
received. All other emails will be filtered out and not delivered." I don't
want to filter out "all other" emails, so I have not enabled the Safe List.

About blacklisting ...

I only saw the following with ThunderBird on Ubuntu. I was trying to create
a charter email account and got a message that my IP address was temporarily
blacklisted, no reason given. Thunderbird then would not create the email
account,  I saw no such message on my Windows computers.

So, on my Linux computer (Ubuntu), I tried releasing and renewing my DHCP
I recorded my IP address with https://whatismyipaddress.com/

Then issued
sudo dhclient -r
sudo dhclient

Then recorded my IP address again but it was the same as before issuing the
dhclient commands. It seemed that what I was doing was refreshing rather
than getting a new IP address. Is that how it works?

The next day I tried again to create a charter account with Thunderbird. I
got no "temporarily blacklisted" message and the account was successfully
created. It still boggles me why I saw that blacklist message. No one in
this household is doing stuff on the Internet they should not.

I have a Comcast support ticket and a special number to call tomorrow. My
previous experiences with Comcast and Charter support, however, do not give
me hope.


As an IEEE member, I have an ieee.org account. As you may know this account
is primarily a forwarding service. I have it set up to forward to my comcast
When I send to <IEEE account> from <primary charter account>, the mail
arrives at my comcast account.

I am unable to send charter ==> comcast
But I can send
charter ==> IEEE, which is  auto forwarded  ==> comcast.

You now all these problems started after the comcast data breach. This used
to work.

-----Original Message-----
From: PLUG <plug-boun...@lists.pdxlinux.org> On Behalf Of Paul Heinlein
Sent: Monday, January 1, 2024 12:39 PM
To: Portland Linux/Unix Group <plug@lists.pdxlinux.org>
Subject: Re: [PLUG] email issues

On Mon, 1 Jan 2024, markcasi...@comcast.net wrote:

Here is my issue. I have put in a lot of time trying to solve this,
but have made zip progress. I even posted on the Xfinity forum but
have received no replies (lots of views though)

My Comcast/Charter email is unreliable

[... lots of good testing material snipped ...]

Mail from charter to comcast does not arrive at comcast

Mail from comcast to charter does arrive at charter

Mail from charter to Gmail does arrive at Gmail

Mail from Gmail to charter does arrive at charter
My initial assessment is that it's Comcast's problem. Without any further
information, I'd say that Comcast is silently deleting or withholding the
messages from Charter.

I've never used Comcast e-mail, and I don't know what filtering techniques
its system employes, so here are two WAGs:

Have you checked your Comcast spam folder for your Charter messages?

Does Comcast have a way to check (and hopefully whitelist) messages it
thinks might be spam?

Since you never received a "message not delivered" error regarding
your Charter-to-Comcast messages, my thinking is that they were
delivered but were somehow blacklisted or marked as spam.

But that's all I've got. Your testing is otherwise very thorough and
exactly what I would have done.

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