On Mon, Feb 5, 2024 at 10:43 PM Mark Casimer <markcasi...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Keith, Did you make the transition to Ziply?

Keith sez:
Not yet, still in the cleanup and planning phase.  
Decades of accumulated complexities.  For example, I've
"owned" keithl.com for decades, probably the early 1990s,
having transitioned from keithl.uucp and bang paths.

Name service currently from Gandi.net in France - a
provider I will change, after their 2023 acquisition
by greedy buttheads (GBs).

I have hosted my .com sites many different places, most
recently the Dallas data center of Rimuhosting, a very
supportive New Zealand company with failover to London
and Brisbane.  

Over the decades, the main threats to my world-facing web
presence have been:

(1) acquisition of providers by greedy buttheads
(2) provider business failures
(3) security flaws
(4) seemingly gratuitous standards complexification
(5) obsolescence (software and standards)
 ... and a new threat ...
(6) personal aging beyond 70yo

A 6-related threat is 54 yo Linus Torvalds not living to
60yo or 70yo;  he and others have encouraged us to remain
sane, effective, and butthead-resistant, and we have grown
dependent on SABDFL's like him to protect us from GBs.
Steve Jobs (a visionary GB) died of cancer at age 56.

My planned "failover" for the half-a-dozen .coms that I
maintain is (1) frequent offsite backups, and (2) moving
sites to my home server if Rimuhosting fails or is bought
by GBs. 

Hence, my question about Ziply and static IP addresses.

I don't need Ziply for that now.  I connect to my offsites
with VPN tunnels (soon Wireguard).  But fail-over relies
on an "-over" prepared and tested in advance.  The need is
usually sudden and externally imposed, and almost always
concurrent with many other unexpected crises.

Keith L.

Keith Lofstrom          kei...@keithl.com

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