Bob Vinisky(, Dec 14, 2017 at 06:32:02PM 
> > Can you ping the internet from the router?  It is plugged in directly.
> > 
> > Are you sure you haven't scrambled your ethernet cables?
> Yes and no <grin> From the router, or any other machine on the LAN I can get 
> to the dal modem. Can successfully ping the dos servers and gateway. One of 
> the Frontier techs gave me the ip no. for - their web 
> portal. Interestingly enough I could ping it Tuesday, but not Wednesday or 
> today.
> My brain is now scrambled.
> Russell, I have checked, double-checked, cross-checked, and toasty 
> cinnamon-coated wheat checks the entire setup, LAN and WAN, rebooted 
> everything that was capable of rebooting, and then, just to make sure, 
> checked again.
> The only conclusion I can draw is that Frontier has made a change in their 
> system, or, this was their policy all along, and it took them this long to 
> catch up to me.

Possibly dumb proposal:

Unplug all the ethernet everywhere, then unplug the DSL modem from power
and put it in time out for a minute. Plug in the DSL modem, wait for it to
come up. Optionally, scramble your computer's MAC address. Plug your
computer into it, make sure it has internet. Unplug the computer, give the
WAN side of your router the same MAC address as your computer, plug WAN
into DSL modem. See if that works. If so, use router like normal and go
about your business.

This used to be the thing you had to do with cable modems before all the
cable companies got with the program. They can track what kind of device
you have, sort of, based on your MAC prefix. They can also just refuse to
learn more than X MAC addresses and keep you from connecting a switch to
the stupid thing that way.

Most routers even have a handy MAC cloning feature for just this sort of

Bill Weiss
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