On Mon, 27 May 2019, Tomas Kuchta wrote:

What is this about? Are you honestly asking question about someone elses opinion? Are you willing to accept the answers? What ever they may be?

Obviously, the answer to your question - what is the best Linux distro - is 42.

42 - Because it depends on what is the the question and who is
     asking it.


Draw up your list of requirements, which might include

* stability
* support for a certain application
* bleeding-edge software
* scalable administration
* good desktop interface
* support for specific or niche hardware
* minimal disk/RAM footprint
* commercial technical support
* ease of installation
* ease of administration

and then locate a distribution that fits your requirements. I find it difficult to believe that after 25 years of Linux distribution releases people are still looking for one distribution that will check all those boxes (as well as others I didn't list). None is perfect; each pursues certain priorities at the expense of others.

Paul Heinlein
45°38' N, 122°6' W
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