On Wed, 18 Dec 2019 11:41:37 -0800
John Jason Jordan <joh...@gmx.com> wrote:

> I have been happily using my Synology NAS for quite a while, but after
> moving everything to a new computer the mount line in fstab no longer
> works:
> /media/jjj/Synology nfs auto,user 0 0
> When I first set this up it took a fair-sized thread here before I
> finally got it right. Hope it won't take that long again.
> Oh, and is correct; at least it responds to that when I
> ping it. And the folder /media/jjj/Synology definitely exists. The
> rest of it is beyond my ken.
> Any suggestions welcome!
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mount -v /mnt
ls /mnt

please do this and show us what it says
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