> The ideal toolchain would I think be something like this.
> 1. End users generate a keypair (ala PGP) and publish public keys.
> 2. Bob uses MUA-level hooks to encrypt body of message using
> Carol's public key, signing the message with his private key.
> 3. MUA submits message to MTA using TLS-negotiated encryption, protecting
> SMTP header info in transit along with already encrypted message body.
> 4. Sender MTA delivers messaage to recipient MTA using similar TLS
> wire-level crypto to protect SMTP header info.
> 5. Recipient MTA delivers message; body remains encrypted.
> 6. Carol verifies her trust in Bob's public key.
> 7. Carol uses MUA-level hooks to decrypt Bob's message using her private
> key and verifying Bob's key as the sender. Only the in-memory version of
> the message is decrypted; the on-disk message remains encrypted.

Excellent technical breakdown. It showed me some things I know &
understand, a few things I don't and one thing I hadn't thought much about.
Thank you!
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