I don't know if people really don't care, or if they are afraid to accept
the harsh reality of the world we live in. Russian intelligence
agencies directly attacked American politics in 2016. There are documented
instances of direct harassment of citizens as well. It doesn't even matter
what your opinion of Trump is. The idea that an anonymous group anywhere in
the world can use the data you upload to the internet to directly target
you in a physical way is a big deal. And it's happening, right NOW.

But for some reason, anyone who expresses any concern about how web
services are built is automatically a bad person. I don't like throwing up
XKCD links to prove my point, but this one is too perfect.

If living under a rock means caring about the safety of our internet and
protecting myself from russian spies and religious terrorists, then yes, I
am definitely living under a rock.

On Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 2:24 PM Mike C. <> wrote:

> > I don't care what service/software/application/OS/whatever, some people
> > are going to piss and moan about it because it wasn't their choice or
> > personal favorite, regardless of whether or not they even actually know
> > anything about it.
> We're all equal members of the PLUG community to the best of my knowledge.
> Feedback was requested and feedback was provided. I for one welcome
> criticism and skepticism, especially now.
> > But, please don't trash me or the service I choose to use. Once you have
> > actually personally used the service, hosted a couple meetings, and
> learned
> > how it really works, then make your comments.
> I didn't see any trashing. Did you develop or are you getting rich from
> FCC? Then why take the criticism of a service model so personally? You have
> no right to dictate to other members when then can make comments.
> > Otherwise, please crawl back under your rock.
> >
> Not helpful.
> >
> > There are actually a number of good companies out there that provide free
> > services. The free services mostly cater to small users and are
> attractive
> > to social and non-profit groups. If they do a good job, many people take
> > them to their place of work and utilize the paid services for larger
> > activities. Mailchimp is another example of this.
> >
> Yes. Protonmail is another good example of this.
> The point missed about Open Source generally being more secure is that the
> longer a FOSS application is out in the wild the more eyeballs look at the
> code, the more it's used, tested, maybe even security audited and therefore
> the greater the likely hood the vulnerabilities, backdoors, exploits and
> bad code are found and fixed. This isn't just some nice lil' extra benefit
> this is a founding principle idea of FOSS.
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