On Wed, 25 Mar 2020, Keith Lofstrom wrote:

A high level of forbearance will be required, because social cues will be
absent, and many of us are socially inept even with F2F interactions.


Lesson learned: In a F2F situation, listener facial expression changes
would have restructured my hypothetical comment on the fly; perhaps none
of us would have noticed. Online, in a user group with a high proportion
of Asperger and social-isolate personalities, Things Could Get Bad.


Years ago I studied NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and learned (among
other things) that about 60% of communication is non-verbal. I think your
concerns would be alleviated if most (preferably all) video/web conference
participants could be seen as well as heard.

I think that adding visual cues to audio ones is necessary now with the
Covid-19 pandemic and will likely remain a prominent business and social
tool once life re-stabilizes to whatever new normal it achieves.

It's like teaching a university class or giving a presentation at a
professional meeting. When you see eyes glaze or audience attention
wandering you change your presentation on the fly to improve your
communication with them.


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