On 1/21/21 9:06 AM, Michael Barnes wrote:

I might not have been clear. I'm not looking for something that reacts to
the receipt of email. I need a given script to execute based on what is in
either the Subject or Body of the email. For example, I send an email to
mach...@somewhere.com with something like RESTART_FOO in the Subject or
Body and it would run the script RESTART_FOO. Another email sent to the
same address may say RESTART_BAR and execute that script.  From what I
understand, procmail simply reacts to an incoming email, regardless of what
is in that email.

I suspect that the extprograms plugin for Dovecot sieve is capable of doing this, but I have no experience with this myself. I do use sieve to sort my incoming mail into separate folders, but I've never done anything beyond that.


Galen Seitz
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