On 3/8/21 8:37 PM, John Jason Jordan wrote:

OK, right-click on an empty spot to bring up its properties, and at the
top of the popup it'll probably say 'window buttons.' If so, then it is
the window buttons plugin for the panel. It can be removed from the
panel or moved before or after other panel plugins. And while the
window buttons right-click popup is open you can select its Properties,
where you can choose how the buttons are displayed. There are several
options, and I recommend that you play with them a bit. I keep mine set
to the option where I can move them wherever I want them, but you can
also keep them always in alphabetical order, or in groups, and there
are other options as well.

Found it. I realized, as I looked at it, they buttons were in alphabetical order. I prefer your preference where I can move them wherever I want them. I found the place to make the change by right clicking on an empty spot in the panel, going down to Panel > Panel Preferences, then selecting Items, and then selecting Window Buttons. Then I clicked the gear shaped icon to edit the settings for Window Buttons. Sure enough, it was set to Window Title. I changed it to None, allow drag-and-drop. That solved the problem.



Dick Steffens

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