On Tue, 27 Apr 2021 19:52:03 -0700
Russell Senior <russ...@personaltelco.net> dijo:

>In John's second post, it showed a simultaneous wifi interface,
>wlp82s0 that showed UP and had an ip address on the same network. I
>agree that turning the wifi off removes some ambiguity about which
>interface is being used.

OK, I turned off wifi on the laptop, but my speed is still only about
90 Mbps up and down.

The curious thing is that it is now about 90 Mbps up and down both with
the VPN and without the VPN. I used to get about 300 Mbps up and down
with the VPN and 600+ Mbps without the VPN. Why is there no longer a
difference between with and without the VPN?
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