On Tue, Apr 27, 2021 at 10:33 PM John Jason Jordan <joh...@gmx.com> wrote:

> The curious thing is that it is now about 90 Mbps up and down both with
> the VPN and without the VPN. I used to get about 300 Mbps up and down
> with the VPN and 600+ Mbps without the VPN. Why is there no longer a
> difference between with and without the VPN?
The difference existed in the first place because the lower speed is what
could be sustained in the path between your system, to the VPN provider's
system, and back. Now, your local speed is lower than the max that can be
sustained on that same path, so there's nothing slowing it down.

The next step is to continue changing 1 element at a time until a change is
observed. From past experience, I know you are very reluctant to reboot
when odd things happen, so I'll have to suggest that first. Then, try
plugging into the ethernet cable that is working at the higher speed on the
other system you're testing with.

+1 to the suggestion of running ethtool.

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