On 12/25/2021 10:24 AM, wes wrote:
On Sat, Dec 25, 2021 at 5:25 AM Richard Owlett <rowl...@cloud85.net> wrote:

I'm running a default Debian 11.1 system with MATE.
My sources.list file references strange.com .
I assume that mirror is over-loaded and refers requests to quiet.com .

this is not a great assumption. something.... strange... is going on.

We agree on at least two points <*ROFL*>
  1. I am making an assumption.
     I believe my assumption matches my experience.
  2. Something at least atypical is happening.
     One of my web searches turned up a 10 year old bug report
     demonstrating that busy repository servers can have strange

One observed fact is that on the sane day as my original problem people on two continents claiming to have no problem installing the same package. I was able to reproduce MY symptoms after reading their posts.

I know which repository is listed in my sources.list .
*BUT* I need to know which repository was actually used.

When installing XYZ.deb with any of apt family of tools (e.g. Synaptic),
is there a standard system log file which will tell the actual URL
providing XYZ.deb &/or dependencies?

I couldn't find a log file for apt based tools. the general philosophy
appears to be to show the progress and details while the operation is
active, but not to save this info anywhere.

however, I did find a less direct way (or maybe more direct, depending on
your point of view) to see what you're looking for.

in synaptic, if you mark a package for installation, but don't click apply
yet, under the file menu, there is an option labeled

"generate package download script"

save this somewhere and it will show exactly what it's downloading and from
where, with full url.

As that function is designed to be used on a machine with *NO* internet connection, it *CAN ONLY* report URL specified in sources.list .

other apt related tools have similar options, though you really have to go
looking for them.


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