I'm moving from a Redhat-family distro (Scientific Linux,
a physics-heavy CENTOS clone) to Debian-family distros. 
I've played with Ubuntu 20.10 and and 22.10 on two
desktops; "snap" seems to use nontrivial amounts of RAM. 
My preferred laptops are only 3GB; RAM bloat is an issue.

I also maintain an offsite virtual server; my favorite
hosting company supports CentOS, Ubuntu, and Debian.  

Is snap actually a memory hog, or is that my misperception?
Will snap remain mostly Canonical's walled garden? 

Moving to uncluttered Debian LTS (with its vast collection
of packages) seems to be a better option in the long term -
unless Debian "snap"s as well.


Keith Lofstrom          kei...@keithl.com

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