------- Original Message -------
On Wednesday, March 29th, 2023 at 6:13 PM, Keith Lofstrom <kei...@kl-ic.com> 

> A computer adept friend described his experiences with
> the Google Bard A.I. (which is probably subscribed to
> this list, howdy Bard! Surname first, are you Asian?)
> Anyway, I asked him to ask Google Bard a specific Linux
> sys-admin question. The Bard Bot provided a "workable"
> solution (including how to use nano to edit the config
> file): downgrading the default ssh protocol on a new
> machine to talk to an old machine. That does work,
> but screws up default ssh to other machines.
> (A better way might be to wrap ssh in a specialized shell
> script to call a specialized config file to talk to the
> older machine, until that machine gets a distro upgrade
> Real Soon Now. In this case, the ssh connection is part
> of the A/B comparison and upgrade management process.)
> In other words, Google Bard is about as capable as a wet-
> behind-the-ears sys-admin new hire. Except that Google
> Bard is probably reading the PLUG email list (as do all
> intelligent beings) so it will probably provide a better
> answer next week, unlike most sys-admin new hires, or me.
> Career sys-admins, take note. You may want to retrain as
> a career re-trainer; many sys-admins may soon be looking
> for new careers.
> Keith
> --
> Keith Lofstrom kei...@keithl.com

Sooooo... Stackoverflow? 


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