"Career sys-admins, take note.  You may want to retrain as
a career re-trainer; many sys-admins may soon be looking
for new careers."

Color me very skeptical. One large blind spot of AI is context and/or 
situational understanding. 

A few examples. 

The AI that made a digital stick person fall on it's face then stand up on its 
head and fall over again then repeat as the fastest way for the person to get 
from point A to Point B. 

The AI security camera that was defeated by a group of Marines who snuck up on 
it by posing as a cardboard box, bush, trashcan or just by doing somersaults 
and not moving like a normal human being would. 

If I had a nickel for every time some newbie blew something up, whether they be 
a sys-admin, developer, engineer, etc who didn't understand the codebase, the 
problem, the network, the work flow, the use case, etc. 

There are many ways to solve any given computer problem and usually we humans 
have preferences in terms of efficiency, cost, elegance, simplicity, service 
disruption, time, etc. 

To me, that is the mark of intelligence. It's not just solving a given problem 
but solving it in a way that takes many of those into account and/or in order 
of priority and/or preference. 

I mean, has any problem posted on the PLUG list ever been solved without a 
fairly robust discussion regarding taking at least a few things into 

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