On Thu, 14 Sep 2023 11:05:11 -0700
wes <p...@the-wes.com> dijo:

>On Thu, Sep 14, 2023 at 10:13 AM John Jason Jordan <joh...@gmx.com>
>> I'm having a terrible time getting the guest OS to see the shared
>> folders that I specified in the setup for the Debian 12 machine.

>I have often had problems getting shared folders to work in vbox too.
>I use network based file transfers instead. which type depends on the
>situation. "sshfs" would be the closest to a shared folder, but might
>be complex to set up for someone who is not super familiar with how to
>use ssh. I seem to recall that you have used nfs in the past, which
>would also be a good solution to this particular need.

Yes, I did once spend a lot of time getting nfs working, but I could
never successfully get it working, and eventually I gave up. 

Debian 12 works great at the internet. And your comment made me think
of my two Synology diskstations. Just now, in Firefox on Debian I typed
in the address, which popped up a login window, whereupon I logged in,
et voilà!

To hell with shared folders. Oracle can go suck eggs. :)

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