On Mon, Sep 24, 2007 at 11:25:17PM -0400, John Anderson wrote:
> Whats the best (in your humble opinion) computer science school in Utah?

I'm shocked the UofU hasn't been mentioned yet... BYU from my experience
as good as you want it to be.  There are a couple great teachers, a half
dozen poor teachers and the rest are average (or was-so 5 years ago).  I
found you got out of it what you put in.  I often tell people had I to
do it over again I would have gone to the UofU.  This is because at
times I felt like the teachers at BYU didn't seem to care about being prepared
for leasons and much of the assignments were busy work or 10% learning
and 90% wasted time.  There was one particular class I had worked ahead
on an assignment and spent ~20 hours on and found it was impossible and
went to the teacher and explained the situation and he denied it until a
week later several other students had found the same thing.  Now I know
these things can happen anywhere if a teacher isn't really prepared --
but I think if you're paying for an education this type of thing
shouldn't happen much if ever.  This is why I think the UofU may have
things "together" a little more.  Their CS program is somewhat famous
from the early years of DARPA and they've had more time to build it up
and probably polish it more.  I think the UofU also looks at technology
as an important part of the school where at BYU it was "just another

I will agree BYU was more theory based, which is good if you can pick up
languages quickly.  UVSC from what I've heard (so I could be very wrong
because it's outdated a few years) was less theory and more application
of languages.


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