On Mon, 2008-01-21 at 10:21 -0700, Justin Findlay wrote:
> PLUG is ostensibly about Linux and Free Software.  Perhaps the FSF has
> become passé and it is popular to disparage them.  I know you wouldn't
> necessarily do that without good reason, but neither do I believe
> blindly in the edicts of the FSF.  I presume you are familiar with the
> benefits of using/practicing OSS, so I don't understand why you would be
> critical of me in using it exclusively.  My reasons are partly
> idealistic, experimental, curious, and practical.  I believe that
> software as OSS is necessarily better for the world, so I've made it the
> staple of mine.  Since OSS is developed in the open I am better able to
> learn about/with it than its proprietary counterparts.  The freedom to
> copy, study, and modify it is an excellent benefit that proprietary SW
> by definition cannot offer.  Besides that I can get all the OSS I need
> without price. That is the substance of my principle and I fail to know
> how this elicits your condescension.

I couldn't agree more or have said it better.


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