On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 8:46 AM, Von Fugal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/naomi-wolf/ten-steps-to-close-down-a_b_46695.html
> It would probably be very interesting to follow this woman's life and
> see how much harrassment, no-fly, and other indignities she suffers at
> the hand of our mighty government. She might be one of the first
> examples when they decide to take over the press entirely.

I don't think most of the HuffPo folks, or any of George Soros' other
ventures are going to get blackballed for their opinion.  However I do
know that a very large number of his ventures that are actually
registered as political donors have been repeatedly been indicted for
voter fraud (ACORN et al).  Huffpo was just another venture funded by
Soros in his attempt to get a powerful media voice to influence a
market, and he's willing to pay whatever it takes to get his opinion
to influence others.


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