On Tue, 2009-10-27 at 15:13 -0600, Steven Alligood wrote:
> > How is Rapidwave these days, anyone know?  Do they understand that
> > Internet nodes should be peers, not mere consumers?

> What on earth would make you believe that you are in any conceivable way 
> a peer to an Internet Service Provider?

Dude, go back and read that again. At no point did he say that node ==
ISP. He said node == node. In other words, his home system should be
just as useful as my virtual private server with Linode, which should be
just as useful as a server in BYU's datacenter. He's harking back to the
good old days when important Internet nodes could be cobbled together
with legos running under a grad student's desk. Sadly, today if you run
a server at home you're a second class citizen compared to someone
renting space in a datacenter.

> Peers, on the other hand, share traffic and resources to the mutual 
> benefit of both parties, often for no monetary cost.

Peer in the sense of equal, not Internet peering. Sheesh, lighten up.

> At home, you are definitely a consumer.  In a data center, you may one 
> day grow to be big enough that someone will consider you a peer.

Some people would be more willing to accept the situation if ISPs were
more transparent about limitations. Instead of claiming "unlimited
bandwidth" publish their policies and let people decide for themselves
how to spend their quota.

My Web server doesn't need to push gigs of data and it never will.
Neither will my email server. Why should I be relegated to some ghetto
just because I'm using kilobytes a day instead of gigabytes?

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