On Feb 5, 2010, at 3:15 PM, Michael Torrie wrote:

> Kimball Larsen wrote:
>> I've grabbed the above and tinkered - but can't get anything to
>> connect.... does MacFusion support shared keys? I can't find anywhere
>> to set it up to use them, and the *cough* documentation *cough* for
>> MacFusion is ... well... slim on details.
> MacFusion is merely a GUI wrapper around MacFuse that make fuse
> connections and then tells Finder about them so that icons appear.  As
> for ssh keys, MacFusion supports them if the underlying fuse file system
> does, which is sshfs.  And sshfs does support keys, the same keys that
> normal ssh supports.  So if you set up your normal ssh keys, MacFusion
> will automatically use them.  That means your keys should be in
> $HOME/.ssh.  Also there's a nice built-in utility on OS X called
> ssh-agent (CLI versions on Linux as well) that has a GUI that can make
> it easy to manage SSH keys.  See
> http://www.bartbusschots.ie/blog/?p=491
> Typically if you have MacFuse (separate from MacFusion.app, available
> from google code) installed, MacFusion just works.  Not sure why it's
> not working for you.

I found the problem and fixed it - for completeness, here is what I ran into: 

MacFusion does not work correctly with OS X 10.6 and newer out of the box - you 
need to remove the tcpnodelay shared library from the MacFusion package[1]. The 
connection error message MacFusion shows indicates that the server 
disconnected, when in reality it was never able to even begin the connection 
process due to a busted dylib. 

I'm able to connect now, and this appears to be a great solution for my OS X 



-- Kimball 

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