On Thu, April 22, 2010 1:38 pm, Jonathan Duncan wrote:
> I have wanted to get my HAM license for many years now, but as yet have not 
> taken the
> time.  A PLUG presentation on HAM stuff could be cool.

The Technician and General licenses are both /dead/ easy to get now. No CW at 
all, and
simple 35 question multiple choice tests. I got an 80% on general without 
having studied
for it. I actually feel a little guilty about it. :)

There's tests monthly at BYU, and several other locations in the area. $14 to 
take the
tests. If you want to do it, go study the question pools online, use the 
practice tests
for a couple weeks, and then go get your license.

As for giving a presentation, I think I'll leave that to someone who's been on 
the air
for a while. I don't even have a radio yet. *grumbles*

Matthew Walker
Kydance Hosting & Consulting, Inc. - http://www.kydance.net/
PHP, Perl, and Web Development - Linux Server Administration

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