On 07/01/2010 05:18 AM, Tod Hansmann wrote:
> On 6/30/2010 6:01 PM, Henry Hertz Hobbit wrote:
>> On 06/30/2010 11:10 PM, Michael Torrie wrote:
>>> Hmm.  Wonder if BYU TV and the Church will move to something that's more
>>> Linux-friendly for their streaming video feeds.
>> <Stuff about server OSes of various sites>
> Actually, he was talking about their streaming stuff being easier to 
> play in a browser on a linux box, not what their OSes on their servers were.

Streaming audio / video data properly is a function of what
you have, what they are using to shove the data at you, AND THE
PIPELINE BETWEEN THE TWO OF YOU.  If anybody is trying to do
streaming audio / video with either a dial-up or a slow DSL
connection you are bound to be less than happy.  That includes
NetZero with Windows unless you have XP. Even Vista may be too
slow to do the compress / uncompress fast enough. I also have a
fast Cable connection.  Maybe that is the source of the problem?
Now you can delete this message because I can assure you I am
having no problems on displaying their content on both
Ubuntu 10.04 and OpenSuSE 11.2. I also had no problems in the
past with Fedora 3 using the latest Firefox 2.x it would run
with FlashPlayer 9 with a machine that had less than 1 GB
RAM.  But I have a VERY FAST PIPELINE, and now have very fast
machines as well!

I am seeing their content just fine in both Firefox 3.6.6 using
the real Flash Player on Ubuntu 10.04, and unless they put in
that flawed Adobe check code things display just fine with
Firefox 3.5.9 which uses swfdec / gnash on OpenSuse 11.2. What
they have displays just fine there as well. I also have Chrome
installed on Ubuntu. I will install Chrome on OpenSuse but the
config will have to wait until next week - moving time has come.
All of their streaming audio / video also works well in Chrome,
ON LINUX! Unlike Apple who is pushing HTML5 as a better mouse
trap (it probably is from a security stand-point) and is now
avoiding Flash like the Bubonic Plague, Chrome comes with
Flash as part of the browser itself.  I suggest if he is having
problems, and it is not the pipeline causing the problem and he
is using Firefox that he tries using Chrome first before leveling
charges at anybody. Firefox in many ways has become bloat-ware.
Chrome does fairly well and actually is handling the streaming
content much better than Firefox seems to handle it.  The memory
usage is also way down.  But when it comes to intensive
audio / video streaming graphics make sure what you have is up
to the task.  There are three main factors in that equation,
your side, their side, and the pipeline between the two of you.
If any of the three are not up to snuff you will have problems.
I can assure you, it is not on the delivery side.  That means
you need to look at the other two factors.

There is that one web-site in Turkey where I told the guy to
just be a fascist and refuse to display in Firefox.  But at the
time I had a machine with a limited amount of RAM.  Sorry, but
it didn't improve ANY with my newer machines with more RAM,
this one having 4 GB.  His web site was very graphics intensive
(and at the time I put hist host into my blocking hosts file was
also distributing Windows malware).  But what he had was obviously
made to work ONLY with IE. He never even checked on how it would
show up in other browsers. There is Provo City's Utility web pay
bill feature. It is either IE or for me a trek up the street to
pay the bill in person. You can also snail mail payment in if
desired. Paying the bill gives me an excuse to take a walk
which I love to do.  But I have failed to pay that bill with
Firefox, Opera, and Safari ON WINDOWS! I have also failed
with both Opera and Firefox ON LINUX. I haven't tried Chrome
yet.  I will do that next month.  I had to go in person to
schedule the service change-over yesterday.

But I am baffled he says he has problems on Linux with either
KBYU or the LDS church.  I have no problems with them at all
and never have with the exception of what comes next - SPYING!

The spy ability that I am referring to in IIS is them coming up
with all of my email addresses and emailing me really phishy
looking email messages for contributions.  They did not use
JavaScript and cannot use Java with me - I have Java turned off
if somebody pre-installs Java on Linux.  Actually on the Windows
side I also have NoScript in Firefox. Apache can be modified to
do the same thing but IIS has a LOT of data collection services
on even IIS-6.0 and KBYU TV now has IIS-7.0.  I know some of it
is there because HostsFile.org (not mine) had been set to use it
at one time.  Trust me, IIS has far more than vanilla Apache. It
wasn't KBYU's JavaScript either - none of that had changed and I
stop a lot of it anyway with the filters I provide under GPL.  It
is the stuff in the web server itself, plus what they got by
giving the data collected to a San Francisco firm that allowed
them to come up with, GASP - my private POP email address (not
this one - it is fairly public).  KBYU countered my objections
with - you must have made donations in the past. I have never
made a contribution to them - just to KUED a LONG time ago. They
never did know about these email addresses before - IIS garnered
that information and LOTS MORE!  HostsFile.org has much more
in capabilities than SecureMecca.com has.

Look, I create filters to filter out this stuff and have changed
my filter priorities from:

1. Malware (mostly Windows)
2. Tracking / spying
3. Web-bugs
4. Ad services


1. Tracking / spying
2. Web-bugs
3. Malware (mostly Windows)
4. Ad Services

I EAT MY OWN DOG MEAT (but will gladly accept help making auto
start of my phttpd written in PERL for all Linux platforms):


KBYU was SEVERELY constrained with all the stuff they have
globbed on or have in their JavaScript code (some of which my
PAC filter substitutes a blank line for and I am not saying
what either).  I also use AdBlockPlus with the EasyList+EasyPrivacy
and Liste FR subscriptions in Firefox.  Except for the ads, you
could even turn off ABP and what I provide still severely limits
TACKED ON tracking (usually JavaScript but I am focusing a lot
of effort on AmazonAWS flash tracking as well).  Actually there
is a lot of stuff I block that EasyPrivacy does NOT block.  THEY

KBYU uses the very same features I saw that you could turn
on / off at will in the 1And1.com control panel and when you
have complete control of the IIS server you would be amazed at
the tracking they have built right into IIS.  Usually with Apache
you have to ADD the other stuff into it. Well, you can alter Apache
to use a *.txt file URL that actually does a redirect with a SQL
injection attack (used to redirect to malware).  I work with this
stuff all of the time.  IIS has LOTS of stuff built in that you
need to add to Apache if you wanted the same functionality and
switched.  If KBYU is using this functionality built into IIS,
(and I can assure you they are because I finally looked at some
of it in detail in Fiddler),  duplicating what IIS does in Apache
takes a lot of effort and time and some stuff needs to be added
Tracking is a BIG feature of IIS.  Like I said, the Pointy headed
managers want to know everywhere your mouse goes.

But as to KBYU, LDS.org and MormonTabernacle.org being Linux
hostile when it comes to  streaming content - I can only say it
isn't so.  I didn't even notice a problem on my older Fedora 3
updated to the last Firefox 2.X it would support and Flash
Player 9 either. Everything they had worked on that old machine.
They are not Linux hostile in what they provide.  Now the Provo
utility bill is anything BUT IE hostile.  It is either IE or
for me the highway! I am really not holding my breath that you
can use their web-site with Chrome either.  There are lots of
web-sites that way.

PS  KBYU's campaign drive for contributions looked REALLY
    phishy!  Tracking down that it was really them having
    the messages sent took a lot of time on my part.

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