On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 1:01 PM, S. Dale Morrey <sdalemor...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Just curious, to know if anyone but me has been seeing a lot of
> consulting work popup where companies are either moving off PHP and
> onto Java, or vise versa?  Seems like out of the last 10 projects or
> so I've worked on, it's a move to/from between PHP & Java.
> In my case it's usually some random company (typically either from
> india or someone with a thick indian accent) calling off my dice
> profile and asking me to be a local POC for them for a platform move
> like that.

Everyone wants a magic bullet.  If you're suffering under a mass of
unstructured php code, the structure and discipline of Java probably
sounds like just the thing you need.  If you're stuck with a Java
behemoth with labyrinthine class structures and elaborate patterns
that no one can follow anymore, the git-er-done attitude of PHP
probably sounds pretty appealing.  They're polar opposites, and both
extremely popular, so it's not surprising to me that a bunch of people
want to switch from one to the other.  In most cases it's probably a
mistake, though.


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