I guess I wasn't clear. I'm done with APC. After two units charging
circuits failed catastrophically (one destroyed >$200 of brand new
batteries), and both could have lit my house on fire I no longer trust APC.
Period. They continued to attempt charging full batteries--which got
bloated, started venting, and got nearly melting hot.

I haven't used UPS software on my desktop in ages, but I imagine nut can
do it--and if not I can always write my own if the need arose. My power
outages are usually sub-minute brown-outs. Occasionally I've had longer,
but with a journalled fs it isn't too big a deal for just a desktop to go
down if it runs out. Directv DVRs don't handle power outages very well
though, I must say. I'm not sure what fs they use, but I've had it lose
some, and all recordings, and then a few resets later have some or all of
them magically reappear. Not to mention the excruciatingly slow boot times
(5-10 *minutes*--*windows* boots faster--ouch!). Annoyingly, they don't
have an actual off button so you can safely power them down to move them.
Design fail.

I would still use an APC in a data center environment--mounted in metal
racks above fire-proof floors I wouldn't worry about them venting gas or
getting hot when they fail. But not in my home on my wood floor or in my
carpeted office.

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