Hey everyone,

I'm looking for suggestions because I'm reasonably certain I'm not the
first to encounter this problem.

In a nutshell I have too many credentials.  I manage no less than 20
different domains and have a directory full of keys & certs, half of which
I'm not sure what they go to anymore.  It's starting to look like the key
ring of a highschool janitor.

I don't use username/password combos for anything, just certificates.
It struck me today that if this directory were compromised or deleted a lot
of clients would be hosed (I do make backups, but still, this feels
dangerous).  There is no other way into those servers.  All of them are
cloud based so I can't just walk into a datacenter with a thumb drive and
load new certs.

Almost as important, I have no idea what most are for.  I use shell scripts
to handle the site logins.

Anyways, it's getting pretty ghetto.  I'm sure there has to be a slicker
solution to this problem?  Do you guys have any recommendations for
identity management in a case like this?


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