On Sat, Dec 6, 2014 at 1:45 PM, Barry Roberts <b...@robertsr.us> wrote:

> That TI board looks really cool.  If I had known about those before I
> bought my EverSpring temperature sensors, I might have bought those
> instead.  But I'm not designing a product, I just want sensors that
> are plug-and-play to use in my house.  If I could find some decent
> z-wave apps that actually work on Linux, I would be done.  Now that
> I've tried homegenie, DomotiGa, and Ago Control, I wish all my sensors
> were WiFi.  Ah well.
> I think I might just try modifying the python-openzwave shell to
> submit passive checks to nagios.

I just ran across an even cheaper way to add WiFi to a microcontroller
project: the ESP8266 SoC, which is a $5 serial-to-WiFi module with an
AT command set and onboard TCP/IP, sort of like the WizNet ethernet
modules that they put on Arduino Ethernet shields. The supplier's page
is here: https://espressif.com/en/products/esp8266/

Apparently it's a Chinese part with poor documentation and is not
bug-free, but as it's got a small 32 bit microcontroller onboard that
you can put code on, it could potentially be a one-chip solution for
projects with low computation needs, and community support appears to
be growing for it. Someone has even created firmware for it that
integrates Lua and a node-style API:

At the $5 price point, you could have a *lot* of wireless sensors
around your house. :)


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