On Sun, Dec 23, 2018 at 8:55 AM Riley Loader <riley.loa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Also I was thinking; the pings that you get BEFORE plugging in all the
> wired stuff appear to be long. over 1000ms? That's a lot of time to reach
> Google. And it starts out OK, but subsequent packets increase that latency.
> I'm only getting 24 ms or so, and consistently. Admittedly I'm on fiber but
> still - I'm curious if perhaps there IS an issue between your home and
> Google that's just being *exacerbated* when you plug in the other stuff.
> What does a traceroute look like both before and after plugging in wired
> stuff? I'd be curious to see if perhaps the latency shows up inside of your
> network or outside.
> The following is a traceroute log taken during a moderately heavy load,
from a device connected via wifi to an internal router. The trip out was
nearly instantaneous.

traceroute to google.com (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets
 1 (  1.581 ms  1.788 ms  1.006 ms
 2 (  1266.575 ms  1072.149 ms  1029.767 ms
 3  po-304-1239-rur01.orem.ut.utah.comcast.net (  114.832
ms  84.066 ms  1263.416 ms
 4  be-6-ar01.saltlakecity.ut.utah.comcast.net (  225.373 ms
1332.371 ms  856.194 ms
 5  be-33660-cr01.champa.co.ibone.comcast.net (  354.238 ms
102.910 ms  1112.804 ms
 6  be-12021-cr02.1601milehigh.co.ibone.comcast.net (  211.849
ms  45.967 ms  30.111 ms
 7  be-12176-pe02.910fifteenth.co.ibone.comcast.net (  28.059
ms  28.222 ms  34.008 ms
 8  as15133-3-c.nota.fl.ibone.comcast.net (  25.048 ms *
1990.431 ms
 9  * * *
10 (  608.286 ms (  26.436 ms (  31.205 ms
11 (  48.103 ms (  21.043 ms (  39.957 ms
12  * * (  601.150 ms
13 (  1086.136 ms (  39.880 ms  46.153 ms
14 (  42.794 ms (  60.950 ms (  1816.618 ms
15 (  76.257 ms  55.946 ms  2329.859 ms
16  lga15s43-in-f14.1e100.net (  38.372 ms  41.872 ms  40.008

 I was looking at the modem recommendations on the Comcast website and see
that my modem is old enough to no longer be supported. Might just be time
to upgrade to a DOCSIS 3.1 modem, whether it is the problem or not, I would
probably benefit from the move. Just need to decide between the
Motorola MB8600 and the Arris SB8200.  :)

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