On 8/8/19 1:16 PM, Charles Curley wrote:
> <rant>Systemd is turning out to be the kudzu of Linux. It egregiously
> violates the Unix precept of "do one thing and do it very well."</rant>

I used to think so to. But really if you think about it, the stuff
systemd is replacing certainly didn't do one thing and didn't do it very
well (used to use "set -x" to debug init scripts).  Guess I've been
lucky and haven't had any problems with systemd in the last 8 or 9 years
I've been using it.  Wish I could say the same for BtrFS...

Great talk on youtube called "The Tragedy of Systemd" if anyone wants a
fairly good, critique of systemd (it's actually fairly positive).

None of this answers your original question, though.  I've been lucky
and haven't had a problem with systemd at all in the last 8 or 9 years
I've been using it.

> <rant>It should not be necessary to reboot to solve Linux
> problems.</rant>


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