On 12/10/20 8:37 PM, Dan Egli wrote:
> I know I asked before about PXE booting windows and the general
> consensus was you couldn't. But now I'm looking to PXE boot some Linux
> machines, however people are telling me that with Systemd you can't
> pxeboot. Is this true? If not, what's the best way to get things setup
> so that the machine can network boot, but systemd from box 1 doesn't
> step on systemd from box 2's toes?
PXE booting is usually done to install a base image to a machine.  If
you want to PXE boot and run diskless clients, you may have to shuffle
some things into the initrd and change systemd service dependencies to
start the network before mounting the root filesystem and chrooting to it. 

As said before, to have a common filesystem/image with machine-specific
customization (whether made by systemd, admin, or user) , you are going
to have to get clever with overlayfs or some combination of small NFS or
local volumes mounted into the tree.  You will have to be careful that
processes needing files in the customized mount areas are not run before
the overlay/mounts are ready, else the processes may continue to use the
open file descriptors from the original volume.

This is something you are going to have to research and play with.  It
is not likely to be a weekend project.  I know guys that do a much
simpler version of what you are asking, where only their applications
are installed to a network location, and their workstations are imaged
with a smaller, common base image.  Even something that simple can be
complicated and time-consuming to get working in the first place.

As long as you enjoy trying, you'll probably learn a lot in the
process.  If your goal is to reduce your time managing a handful of
machines right now, then this is not the solution you are looking for. 
Use clusterssh to pass the same commands to multiple machines, while
still being able to easily do something different on one of the machines
as you do it.  When the number of similar machines increases, and even
clusterssh starts to get onerous, start looking into more complicate
things like saltstack/ansible/puppet/chef/cfengine, LDAP, NIS, etc.



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