Steve Baumgarten Wrote: 
> GoCubs wrote:
> > Steve is correct, the score data now appears to be coming in on one
> > single line.  Hopefully that's the only change.  I believe one of the
> > other sports (NFL?) was similar so I'll have to refresh myself in how
> I
> > handled it.
> I definitely recommend a simple regexp to add a newline before every
> tag 
> you expect to see on a new line, e.g.:
> $content =~ s#<div#\n<div#i
> or whatever tag/tags are appropriate and that make it work. Basically a
> one-liner, then split the string as usual and iterate as usual.
> > Believe it or not, SuperDateTime was my first Perl programming
> attempt
> > and I didn't expect it to become the monster it has.  
> Ladies and gentlemen, the history of computer programming in one 
> sentence.   ;-)
> > Had I known I probably would have organized it differently and
> > explored HTML::Parser. Right now I'm comfortable with how everything
> > works and luckily so far the HTML source hasn't changed that
> > much/often.
> Absolutely. What I should be doing is recoding that MLB subroutine to 
> use HTML::Parser and then offering it to you for review/approval. I'll 
> look into it when I have a bit of time. It's a very useful module, but 
> it does take a bit of playing with to really get a gut feel for. Had
> you 
> started with it rather than ad-hoc parsing, you might not have gotten
> as 
> far as you have, especially given this is the first perl programming 
> you've done.
> > I'll look into the code and post a fix when I can.
Thanks again Steve for your post.  I actually have a new version on my
local machine that appears to do the trick.  The new HTML code this
season looks like it's easier to parse...  I just split up the line by
individual games and then proceed as normal.  Right now it works with
upcoming and completed games, but I have to wait for an active game to
see if it works in that case as well.

When I have a chance I'll take a look at the HTML::Parser module, but
for now I kind of like diving into the raw HTML code.

Thanks again

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