On 13/06/06, mattybain

It is completely screwy now, when the library is opened it is all blank
and typing anything causes an exception error.

I have tried this on about four different computers all with the same

Yes the folders are the normal moose format and everything has been
sweet up to and including version 0.32.

I've been trying to replicate this problem at my end, but am still not
having much joy.. I did do quite a few changes to the library code to
support multiple-selection, but they should be pretty safe..

Which version of windows are you running on ? Are the PCs ok
speedwise ? When you open the library, if you do nothing for a
few seconds, does it populate itself ? How big's the generated
moo file ? Which build of SS are you connecting to ? Erm.. Anything
else strange happening ?

What kind of exception do you get ? Does it mention timer3 ?

Be good to get this sorted..


- Dr Lovegrove
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