bpa wrote: 
> For completness to understand who had rebuffering with 1.4.9 and for
> whom 1.5.2 fixed - can you give details on your system (i.e. processor,
> memory ) and OS.
> I am running LMS on an Acer Revo 3610 which has a dual core Intel Atom
> 330 with 2gb Ram and running LMS 7.8.1 - 1475785403 @ Mon Oct 31
> 03:05:11 CUT 2016 on Win10. I have two Booms and a Touch that are
> hardwired into my network and one boom and two radios that are via wifi 
> . HTH ...
> Program image still works for Extra.  Track image has never worked in
> BBCiPllayer or BBCiPlayerExtra.  BBC only store track images for the
> last 10 tracks on a few National live streams so really it is not usable
> for "Listen Again".

Just to clarify I do not get any images on Squeeze Ctrl when I use
iplayer Extra- I just get the default CD case image... If I then go and
select exactly the same program via the Iplayer plugin I get the program
image displayed. I have " Always show station icon" unchecked. I also
tried this in Squeeze Commander to ensure it was not a SqueezeCtrl issue
and it is the same.. I did used to get the images in Extra , however
with all the changes over the last year or so I am not sure when it
actually stopped as it was a minor issue. I have clean installed LMS
several times and each time I have deleted all residual files and

With the latest beta Iplayer I have noticed an issue - When I pause a
live stream and wait for 30 seconds or so and then resume, the stream
seems to jump back a random amount. Sometime it displays delayed by 1
min sometimes it displays delayed by 17 min (the highest I have had so
far) If I then use forward, then it returns to approx live. I also
notice a related issue when pausing a program in iplayerExtra and
resuming I get a display that states delayed by XXXXXXXX  mins but the
program appears to carry on playing from the same place. ( last one
displayed 24667677 mins delayed)



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