done, but that selected the root volume of my music repository in the
directories to scan, not very funny bevause I have a lot of files (4TB)
in a temp folder that are waiting to be correctly tagged...
so I wanted to interrupt the scan and that didn't go well, my NAS froze.
Impossible to restart LMS after 2 reboots of the NAS.
I reinstalled

I also reinstalled DSDPlay plugin from the list and enabled DoP for my
player but all DSD tracks are either skipped or freeze LMS...
Is that the latest one or do we still have to get the new one from
another source? 
I remember a URL to add at the bottom of the plugins page in the past
don't remember how relevant it still is!

pinkdot wrote: 
> Unbelievable, Synology just updated their package with the DSD fix.
> Please update to the official package 164, and test if it's working.
> ;-) 
> Sent from my Redmi 3S using Tapatalk

Syno 415+ with LMS 7.9 -> Picoreplayer with Audio-GD I2S hdmi output ->
PS Audio DirectStream -> Pass Labs XP20 -> Pass Labs XVR-1 -> 2 x Karan
KA S 400 -> XTZ Divine 100.49 -> happiness
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