Just discovered this thread via 'this'
thread. I'm running a Synology DS214play with the latest DSM updates and
all packages etc up to date, together with multiple Logitech Squeezebox
Radios. I've stopped my native LMS and installed the repack, which looks
fabulous! So as a newbie to the repack, I still don't seem to have it
working and have the following observations/ questions:

- I didn't realize I had to manually install the iPlayer plugin after
installing the repack, and was fiddling with the 'BBC Radio' app for
ages wondering why it wouldn't work...doh!
- Having installed the iPlayer and iPlayerExtras (I know its broken, but
maybe some day it might come back...?), I'm still not there with getting
the iPlayer addin to play the catch-up streams, but it is working for
live streams
- I have all the pretty icons for iPlayer, and I can see the programme
listings, but when I try to listen to anything from the past 7 days,
here's what happens...
- All of the programme icons (little faces of the presenters etc) are
there, but when I click on one of them, I get 'Error: No items found in
playlist' and the name of the programme

I'm stumped as to how I've got this far - its playing the Live (Non-UK)
streams - I live in Seattle - but the catch-up doesn't seem to want to
work. One idea I had - the iPlayer plugin is shown as v1.3.1alpha3 from
Triode, but from the other thread I referenced at the top of this post,
it looks like the iPlayer plugin has been updated to - so do I
need to update the iPlayer plugin using bpa's repo to the latest version
to have it working? Or do I have to stay with v1.3.1alpha3 because I'm
using the LmsRepack? Or is there some other reason why I might not be
able to listen to the catch up programmes? I've started and restarted
everything multiple times as well.

All help very much appreciated! Thanks!

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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=107180

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