Gildahl;155020 Wrote: 
> 1.  When I attempted to save my configuration, I received an error in
> saving.  In fact, it turns out I cannot save any changes to any xml
> files in the browser.  Do you happen to know what might be causing
> this?  In any case, I worked-around this by using the customize option
> and manually copying the xml to a file in the folder specified on the
> plug-ins page.  This successfully added my new Filtered Genres to the
> menu after I stopped and restarted the SS.Which OS are you running ?
Which slimserver version ?
The only real reason I can see without more information is that the
user that runs slimserver doesn't have write access to the directory.
Could you start slimserver manually from a command prompt and turn on
the debugging flag in the Custom Browse settings page and see if you
see any errors in the command prompt window when try to save ?

Gildahl;155020 Wrote: 
> 2.  When I go to the first level of my new menu, I see the genres I
> expect (i.e. only the ones that I know contain tracks with the "xyz"
> comment).  However, when I pick a genre (say, "ABC") and go to the next
> levels, I see artists and tracks that are not in the genre I picked.  In
> other words, after the first level, the genre filter seems to
> break-down.  I presume some tweaking in the templates is needed here.I 
> suspect that something might be wrong with your slimserver data. Could
you perform a full rescan to make sure you don't have old comment values
in the database causing the problem ?
You shouldn't have to tweak the menu, it should work correctly as it
is, unless there is some special case that I have missed of course.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat'
, 'SQLPlayList'
, 'DynamicPlayList'
'Custom Browse'
and 'RandomPlayList'
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