We've just kicked off the next round of alpha which will bring us up to
pretty much feature complete and ready to move into beta. Who would have
thought it would have taken this long???

I've issued tester invites to some people who've requested same over the
past few weeks. If you think you should have an invite and have not,
check your spam folder and then PM me here.

I'm closing testing for new requests for the moment until we get to Beta
and then I'll post here with details. We have over 80 people in the test
community which is amazing!

Here's the changes for this round for those interested....

*Version  (28th June 2017)*
- Fixed a bug with concatenation errors relating to numcommands
  reporting (plugin)
- Changed streaming intents for better recognition (skill)
- Added some newly collected device names (skill)
- Updated 'Getting Started' guide to include details on MP3 streaming.
- Bumped the version number

Known Issues:
  [*=left]As per v2.0.7
  [*=left]Direct streaming is flakey at best. Next/Previous sort of
  work, play/pause/stop don't. Some tracks work, some don't
  [*=left]Direct Streaming requires LMS to be configured with LAME for
  MP3 playback (see getting started notebook section 5.0)

*Version  (27th June 2017)*
- Added support for Previous/Next commands (skill)
- Added support for Shuffle On/Off (skill)
- Implemented foundation for integration of Amazon audio player
  interface without invocation (skill / plugin)
- Implemented amazon audio player
  next/previous/pause/resume/stop/shuffle commands (skill)
- Added account status info to settings page (plugin)
- Added experimental support for streaming to echo (skill)
- Added streaming status report to 'Settings' response (skill)
- Updated DE response translations (skill)
- Fixed a bug preventing DE translation playback (skill)
- Fixed a bug with debug transaction timer values being incorrect
- Set extended listening default to OFF (skill)
- Bumped the version (plugin)

Known Issues:
  [*=left]As per v2.0.7
  [*=left]Direct strteaming is flakey at best. Next/Previous sort of
  work, play/pause/stop don't

ALEXA LMS SKILL: http://www.hab-tunes.com | Twitter: '#habtunes'
Personal HA BLOG: http://mediaserver8.blogspot.com 

Squeezebox | Squeezebox Radio x 2  | Squeezebox Duet
meep's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=12744
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=106569

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