>> 1. Does "0 Stars" mean "Not Rated"?
>I'm guessing that you are talking about the "Ratings" menu in Custom Browse ?
Yes, sorry for not being clear.

>If that's the case I think you have actually found a bug. Today "0
>stars" will show tracks which has manually been rated by holding the 0
>on the remote down. Tracks that never has been rated will not show up
>here. The correct solution would probably be to include both these
>types of tracks in 0 stars. It is also probably a good idea to renamed
>it to "Unrated" if possible.
I think it would be good to have an "unrated" list.  I would only ever rate 
music 1-5 stars.  Other than that, I haven't rated a song, or if it really is 
less than 1 star, I'd delete the music ;)

>>This seems wrong to me -
>> the album rating should only be an average of rated songs on the album
>> (ignore unrated/0* songs)?
>It calculates an average rating based on all tracks on the albums,
>unrated tracks shall be calculated as a "3 star" rating. An earlier
>version of TrackStat didn't calculate unrated tracks at all but that
>resulted in that if a rated a single track as 5 on an unrated album the
>album suddenly showed upp as a "5 star" album which felt wrong. If you
>feel it doesn't count unrated track as a 3 star rating, please tell me
>and I will start searching for bugs.
Ah, that could be correct, and seems to be working as you suggest.  I'll check 
again in more detail later.

The only thing is 0-5 * ratings is a range of 6 values, so 3* is not exactly 
middle ;)

>> 3. If I get to a page that has the ability to change the rating of
>> tracks, I can select a rating of 1-5, but I can't see a way of removing
>> a rating (0 stars).
>It's not possible from web interface, you can do it by holding 0 down on
>the remote. I guess it could be implemented but I felt that if you have
>actually put a rating on a track earlier you should be able to change
>that to a rating between 1-5. The case where you want to "unrate" a
>track feel very special and unusual to me, but I might be wrong.
This related to my previous query too.  I have quite a few live albums.  Some 
of these have introductions, eg. an MC introducing the band to the stage.  If 
the whole album has been rated, I was thinking that I may want to remove the 
rating of the introduction track, crowd clapping for an encore, etc, as I don't 
consider these tracks to be music for playback (eg. if I select to play random 
top rated tracks).  I didn't want to reduce the rating to 1*, as this would 
drop the rating of the album.  I was thinking that if these tracks were changed 
to unrated, it wouldn't affect the rating of the album.

>Phil Meyer;155888 Wrote: 
>> 4. Songs on an album that have the same rating should be sorted by disk
>> and then track number.
>Today play counts is used as second sorting key in most statistics which
>results in that among equal rated tracks the most played will be higher
>up. I'm not sure which is the best case here. Maybe the statistics that
>show all tracks for an album should be as you describe while the
>statistics that show tracks on genres/artists/playlists/year should use
>play counts ? Maybe statistics for tracks on an album shouldn't even
>sort the tracks by rating as the "All songs" statistic already do ?

Yes, I think that sounds like the right thing to do.  By default, when 
displaying any list that is in album context, i would expect to see the list 
sorted by disk number then track number.  The star ratings and playcounts can 
be displayed next to each song in song order.

If I were to "play as a dynamic playlist", I assume it would add the songs in 
the order they are presented in the trackstat page.

When I click on a "TS" link in the now playing list, it shows the trackstat 
page for that album.  I hadn't quite worked out what this sort order was.  It 
didn't appear to be disk,track number order, nor rating or playcount.  It 
displays all songs.  I've figured it out now - it's not taking into account 
multiple disks on an album - it's always sorting by song number.  I think it 
should sort by disk number first, then track number.

The top of the screen has a list of additional statistic views, such as "Top 
Rated".  These work on the full database, not the currently displayed list.

Perhaps there could be options on the page to show the list sorted by track 
number, rating or playcount, or an option to make the additional statistic 
views only work on the selected album.

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