scoob beat me to posting but i have been doing a bit of messing about and can confirm that the Windows version is a bit flakey at the moment (compared to a pi running LMS)
Here is a little how (same as scoob's)to with a couple of screen shots This is how I did it on a raspberry Pi, it should be just the same on Windows. Don't forget to click Apply where necessary First you need Spotty (v1.99.0) enabled from 3rd party plugins. 24131 Follow the instructions. >From the Settings page, select the player you to use and click on Spotty Spotify 24132 tick the box 24133 Start Spotify on your Device (I use a Lenovo Yoga 3 tablet) play some music, on the bottom of the screen tap on "Devices Available", select the player you want to use and you should be off to the races. It only seems to play one track at a time at the moment. (1of1) If I follow the same procedure with LMS on a Pi then it plays tracks through the playlist (1of how ever many). If I use the the LMS on Windows the web gui allows it to play through the playlist (1of how every many) ronnie +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Filename: spotty3.png | |Download:| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Man in a van's Profile: View this thread: _______________________________________________ plugins mailing list