After an eternity I've finally figured out the Linux firewall settings
to make this work details...

1. First avahi / mdns needs to be allowed through the firewall, this
allows the Airplay devices to be advertised on the network:

ufw allow 5353/tcp

2. Configure the ports to enable Airplay to stream. This is not so
simple as Airplay uses a dynamically assigned port on the server to
stream from, so you cannot just open this port as it always changes.
Matters are further complicated since linux by standard has no
application level firewall - making it impossible to allow and whitelist
the shairtunes 'shairport' application. 

Solution - from watching a packet sniffer it seems that the Airplay
protocol commonly uses port 5000:5005 TCP to setup an Airplay
connection. Typically Airplay uses 5000 but if there are other instances
or issues locking the port it seems to try a higher port - so I allow 5

Once the connection is established by TCP, Airplay then uses UDP to
stream the audio to destination ports in the range of 6000:6005 on the
target device. To avoid the dynamic port issue on the server side I take
the reverse approach - allowing in any packets that originate from ports
6000:6005 within my network and allowing out any packets to go out to
destination 6000:6005 within my network.

This is a little more vulnerable than just opening a specific server
port, as a result I restrict this to within my LAN by using ** you should change this  ** to match your LAN IP

TCP settings

sudo ufw allow in from port 5000:5005 proto tcp to any

sudo ufw allow out from any to port 5000:5005 proto tcp

UDP settings

sudo ufw allow in from port 6000:6005 proto udp to any

sudo ufw allow out from any to port 6000:6005 proto udp

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