chaug wrote: 
> I can't get Sugarcube to see the recipes.xml file (for MusicIP recipes).
> I'm not sure if this has anything to do with the specifics of the setup
> discussed here, but I thought I'd start here.
> According to 'this'
> (
> post, the recipes.xml files is supposed to be in the .MusicMagic
> directory where also the default.m3lib is located. That is the case on
> my system but in the Sugarcube plugin settings there are still no
> recipes available at the "Optionally Add a MusicIP Recipe" dropdown
> option.
> What I have tried/looked at so far:
> - restarted LMS
> - restarted MusicIP
> - checked file permissions: -rwxr-xr-x 1 christoph christoph    5628 Apr
> 12  2017 recipes.xml*
> - created a recipes.xml file in the ~/MusicIP/recipes directory as well
> as in ~/MusicIP 
> Where else might musicIP be looking for that file? Or how can I tell it
> where it is?According to this thread
Recipes.xml should be in .MusicMagic. Is there a folder with that name
in Ubuntu? It is the same folder that contains the default.m3lib file
and is specified in your mmm.ini file.

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