bpa wrote: 
> Popup works on Jive but no popup or any message on ip3k (Boom) player. 
> Something is probably better than nothing.

I thought I'd checked ip3k, but clearly I hadn't. Very close scrutiny of
my Squeezebox 3 reveals that the message is delivered to the top line,
but is then immediately overridden by what follows. So not much use as a
user notification. But the attempt at playback is stopped, which is

A couple of points on PlaylistParser.pm:

The name & description need to be decoded with uri_unescape_utf8, I'm
seeing a lot of URI encoding noise in track info.
The podcast stream is missing a terminating '&'. Although I suspect the
duration no longer matches up.

In the longer term, I wonder if the XML availability documents will
continue to suffer from 'lack of love'. I don't know who uses these
commercially, presumably someone might begin to notice that an
increasing number of programmes are unplayable due to incorrect stream
info. If there's no improvement, perhaps one might switch BBCXMLParser
to pass a json playlist URL directly to
BBCiPlayerExtra::ExtraPlayableParser. Who can know how matters will
unfold ?

But so far, so good, thank you. I'd rather get a podcast version than
silence !

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