First, let me add to the chorus of "very nice, thank you!".

One problem I think: filtering by Genre is not working as I'd expect,
in the case where an Artist could be under more than one genre.
Example: Select Genre=Overture : get a list of Artists who have
"Overture" albums, and in the "Albums" panel get a list of those
albums. However if I select an Artist the Albums list now shows ALL the
Albums by that Artist, not just the ones matching the Genre, even though
Overture is still selected in the Genre panel.

Re artwork: a simple option might be for the artwork to appear
somewhere (eg bottom right corner) when you select an album.

Not sure what your intentions are for making the Genre/Artst/Albums
panels more flexible, but how about making each panel independently
selectable for Artist/Genre/Album  - or for extra points any Tag
recognised by Slimserver (and for extra extra points any tag added
using erland's CustomScan plugin.....)

I know, we're all getting greedy asking for all these extra features,
that's what happens when you show us something nice!


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