Great start. I don't use the web interface much because to me one of the
big appeals of the SB is to get *away* from the computer when listening
to music. But this skin has its advantages, especially for building
playlists. Clean (and familiar!) interface, pretty responsive, focus on
the important features, etc.

Just a few quirks I've noticed (fyi, with slimfx on Firefox on
WinXP, running slimserver 6.5.1 on a debianized LinkStation) -- I
imagine you're already aware of at least some of them. On the other
hand, maybe you haven't seen some of them, at least on the test systems
you've used.

1) slimfx is crashing slimserver fairly regularly, although I've yet to
replicate exact steps to cause crashes. I've managed to crash slimserver
at least 3 different ways so far.

2) when adding tracks to the playlist (either via drag&drop or using
the + icon) the playlist panel doesn't always update, although the
track is added (ie, it will play, if slimserver doesn't crash first),

3) sometimes the skin won't update the screen, eg, choosing a new
artist doesn't show the albums for that artist in the rightmost upper
panel. Likewise, selecting an album doesn't always show the track list
below. But the more I've experimented, I'm wondering if these aren't
secondary symptoms of the more important crash problems I'm seeing.

Let me know if you'd like to see some logs (and please suggest which
debug flags would be most useful).

Thanks again!

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