mherger wrote: 
> >
> > Another question is if it is possible to handle songs with a question
> > mark in their titles? There are quite a few such songs in my library,
> > and it seems that the lyrics servers do not return anything for these
> > songs. Perhaps it is possible to strip off the question mark before
> > submitting data to the servers?
> I think they should be stripped off already. Would you have a sample
> track?
> -- 
> Michael

Thank you.

I looked into the issue a bit further. It turns out that in a Linux
environment (LMS running under piCorePlayer on an RPi3, and the player
being pCP on an RPi1B) the lyrics are returned and cached fine when
there are question marks in the file name. An example would be Who
killed Davey Moore? by Bob Dylan. The question mark is not in the file
name, but in the metadata name tag, so the FLAC file name is Who Killed
Davey Moore.flac.  The cached lyrics file will then be Who Killed Davey

However, in my other system, with LMS installed under Windows 10 and
Squeezelite-X as a player, the lyrics are neither displayed nor cached
for that particular track, and of course the question mark is not
allowed in file names under Windows. In that situation it would be great
if 1) the track was displayet, and 2) the lyrics file was cached with a
file name where the question mark stripped off.

I can send you the track if you like, but really it should work this way
for any track with a question mark in the song name tag.

For your information, I have tested this with many different tracks with
question marks in the names, and it is the same behaviour for all of

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