cpd73 wrote: 
> I'd imagine the untranslated strings are from Material. If you look in
> -MaterialSkin/HTML/material/html/lang/[i] you will see some [i].json-
> files. These are simple JSON files that map from the untranslated to the
> translated version of strings. The name of the file is
> -<country-code>.json- - e.g. -de.json- for German. If tha language you
> care for is there, then you can edit that file. If not, copy
> -blank.json- to the country-code you wish to update, and edit. Once you
> have edited the file, feel free to email it to me, or create a pull
> request at https://github.com/CDrummond/lms-material, and I'll add it
> for the next release.

Thanks, I see that there are some untranslated strings in nl.json. I
will add these and mail it to you.

Living: Ultrarendu -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC -> Benchmark AHB2 -> ATC SCM19
v2 & Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 Pro with LMS 7.9.2
Spare: 2 SB Touch, 1 SB3, 2 SB Radio
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