Ron F. wrote: 
> Thank you; however this is certainly a bit outside my little wheelhouse,
> as I have never played with Apache before. I don't know enough to know
> what the right questions are to ask. I assume the goal above is to wrap
> port 9000 in TLS and send/receive on port 9443? So, we then point our
> browser to https://[Server IP Addr]:9443/material/mobile?
> Running Ubuntu 18.04: I assume I have to add something like this to a
> file in /etc/apache2/sites-available. I have a hostname but not a
> domainname on my server, but I do have a file named default-ssl.conf; I
> am assuming I have to add a block to that ... maybe? Do I need an actual
> SSL certificate for my server in order for this to work?
> This is interesting and I will play with it this weekend. I assume I am
> going to brick Apache2 on my server ... but it will be fun.
> Edit: I imagine that port 9443 needs to pass through the server's
> firewall.

Pretty much what you said, it's all correct. You also need to then add
"Let's Encrypt" - but that does assume you can use dynamic DNS for your
server name or have static IP and proper DNS.

In my set-up (that happens to be ubuntu in this case) the "Listen"
directive is in /etc/apache2/ports.conf and the rest in a file in
.../sites-enabled after using the command line tools to turn SSL and
proxy support on (a2e I think) which saves manual work with symlinks

But this is all off topic for Material - if you want more either PM me
or let's start another thread somewhere.

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